October 3, 2021
October 3, 2021

October 3, 2021

“With every adversity comes the seed of an equivalent benefit.”

Nine years ago today, was the second worst day of my life. The world lost the most amazing man I ever knew.

My dad was the best, and not a day goes by where I don’t think about him or wish he was still here with us.

I’m somewhat relieved that he and Jaidon are together for eternity, two peas in a pod that were inseparable for the nine years they had together on this earth. Just wish they were still together here with us.

There is nothing I wouldn’t do or give to have them both back here, together, smiling, reading together or doing anything else.

If dad were still here with us he would have encouraged me to focus on the positive. And I would have tried really hard to do that, but honestly there isn’t anything good that came out of losing them both. Nothing.