The Jaidon Joseph Smith Educational Scholarship Fund
2025 Gap Year Scholarship Application (Seniors)

2025 Gap Year Scholarship Application (Seniors)

The Jaidon Joseph Smith Educational Scholarship Fund provides resources and funding to deserving students in the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Gifted and Talented/Learning Disability (GT/LD) program, who overcame educational challenges to thrive at school and earn entry to a college or university. The scholarship is in memory of Jaidon, who tragically died in an automobile accident on June 9, 2021 just weeks after graduating from Walter Johnson High School.

This application is for any senior (12th grader) at Walter Johnson High School who is currently enrolled in the GT/LD program and is preparing to apply to colleges in the fall of 2026. This form is to apply for the Gap Year Award ($250).


Please provide a NON-MCPS email so that we can communicate with you directly.


Please provide us with the name of one of your parents/guardians.


Date may be approximate.
If you received none, please indicate that as well.


For example: University of Maryland - April 1; James Madison University - Accepted


(1,000 words maximum, please remember to spell check)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please use the provided recommendation form to provide to recommenders. Recommendation should be from at least one teacher or staff member, to include case manager, teacher, co-teacher, guidance counselor, MCPS staff and/or Paraeducator.