James Zogby
James Zogby

James Zogby

2023 Jaidon Joseph Smith Educational Kickstarter Scholarship Award Recipient

James had a challenging academic journey as a twice exceptional student. He entered the GT/LD program in 8th grade, which provided him with specialized support and resources to help him cope with his learning disability.

He started high school with good intentions, but soon found himself overwhelmed by the workload and the expectations. He had trouble focusing in class, procrastinated on assignments, and avoided studying. His GT/LD teacher was his lifeline and helped him stay on track. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the school switched to online learning, James faced new challenges.

When James returned to in-person learning in his junior year, he still had difficulties, but he also had a newfound determination. He started to use the study skills and strategies that he learned in the GT/LD program and learned to advocate for himself and his needs. His grades and confidence improved, and he became more independent and responsible. James felt proud of himself and his achievements and looks forward to pursuing his dream of studying in college to become a lawyer.